Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Riddle Me This…
What is the deal with Facebook these days? People apparently seem to think it is a diary, spilling out there deep dark secrets, writing shit no one cares about (similar to this), and talking shit about other people. Honestly no one cares! I could care less that you ate a banana for lunch, you broke up with your boyfriend because he imed another girl, or that you’re engaged. Okay maybe that last one would be nice to know, but seriously the rest of the stuff, I don’t care. Wow you got 100 points on a word in WWF (yeah mom I said it), would you like a god damn cookie? I mean if you beat someone you were playing and want to rub it in their face, by all means do so. But every time you make a move I don't need to or want to know about it.

Another thing that really bugs me about people on Facebook is they think it’s okay to talk shit about other people over a status, "LyKe OmG that slut totally hooked up with the guy I liked last night what a bitch, blah blah blah." Here’s an idea how bout you STFU. We all know who you’re talking about (because you use something to make it so blatantly obvious) and we all know you don’t have the balls to say something to that person’s face, so you are making yourself look like an idiot by posting it. And then you have the people that try to throw a curve ball back by posting stuff like “wow you’re so tough using Facebook to deal with your problems”, well guess what, by you saying that you're doing the exact same thing.  All you are doing is looking for sympathy, you want a friend to comment “yeah omg I know @enternamehere is such a slut” because you want that person to see it. When that person sees it does that make you feel better about yourself? Because to me you look like an ass, dirty laundry goes in the washing machine.

And also when a game of some sort is on, I don’t even need to turn on the TV because just by going on Facebook I already know everything that’s going on. Don’t you people get it? You’re all clogging up my news feed while I’m trying to get my stalk on. Twitter is for updates (and hash tags, #seriously why do you #use them on #Facebook?). Facebook is for bragging about your accomplishments and posting slutty pictures so people can see how awesome you look, or sharing important information with people you are friends with. By the way you're not fooling anyone, everyone knows you don't have 2,000 friends.So when will people grow up, stop using Facebook as a diary, and face your problems instead of facebooking them? The world may never know!
Until Next Time,

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