Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bearded Man

Riddle Me This…
What is with these men who think they are Santa Claus? I’m not talking about dressing in red or bringing toys to little kids (pedophile status), although that would be just as weird. I’m talking about their beards. Not a nice goatee or a little bit of a neck beard, I mean full on long ass beard status.
First off the beard looks ridiculous and no one in their right mind wants to be seen with you. Second why the hell do you even have a beard that long? Do you want your food to get caught in it so you have a snack for later? Seriously what is the deal, I understand it takes a lot of work to shave everyday but a nice trim here and there won’t kill you.

In my opinion (and I speak for most of the world) a man should be anywhere from a clean shaven face to a little underTaliban status, anything longer then that is just a little overbearing. No woman wants to kiss a man with a beard, let alone kiss a man with a beard touching her belly button. And that show, Whisker Wars is a disgrace, it’s just encouraging poor beard etiquette. Will there ever be a time where everyone follows proper beard etiquette? The world may never know!
Until Next Time,

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