Sunday, January 8, 2012

Airline Segregation

Riddle Me This…
I’ve been doing quite a lot of traveling the past few days, and I have noticed one thing that is common in almost every airport I have ever been too. For some reason airports are still stuck in the stone ages, because they practice segregation.  I’m not talking about racial segregation; I’m talking straight up airline segregation.

Everybody knows the shitty airlines include Southwest, Delta, and Spirit. At almost every airport, these select airlines are grouped in the same terminal; I’ll call this Terminal Shit. Everybody also knows that almost always Air Canada (Air Anything really), Continental/United, and Lufthansa are more ‘high class’ airlines, and these are almost always grouped together in another terminal; I’ll call this Terminal G Status. Why must we separate shit and g-status? Do we need Martin Luther King Jr.  to rise from the dead to help stop this segregation?

 If you’re like me in any way, your either poor as shit or don’t want to pay for the high price airlines. So you get stuck in Terminal Shit, and what is in Terminal Shit? The worst food the airport could offer of course. In Terminal Shit your stuck with the classic airport store (which features chips, soda, and magazines), a Starbucks (because that’s exactly what I want to do before I get on a plane, drink something that will keep me wide awake), and some shitty restaurant like Pizza Hut or McDonalds.  So not only are your knees going to be touching your chin on your flight, your also going to have to get up to use the restroom if you chose any of the food options in the terminal.

Now Terminal G Status is filled with restaurants and shops that everyone loves. While in Terminal G Status you can pick up a nice gift for someone (because you obviously forgot while you were traveling), sit down at a decent restaurant, and get a massage or pedicure. Now why is this the case?  The world may never know!

Until Next Time,

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