Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Feminist Movement

Riddle Me This…
The feminist movement is a wonderful thing, right? I mean there was even a whole art movement dedicated to it. Now women can vote, work, and be treated equally. Many think it was one of the best things to happen (in America at least). Personally I think it was one of the worst things to happen. Women like Susan B. Anthony, Judy Chicago, and Rosie the Riveter made the world harder for women, not easier.

Now women have to waste their money, to attend college. Yes it’s great that we get an education but I mean seriously, were probably not going to get a good job anyway. Speaking of jobs, now women actually have to get one to be seen as “equal.”

Honestly I would rather go back to the way things use to be. I would love to be able to not work. I would way rather stay at home, clean the house, take care of the kids, and take money from my man (instead of having to make it myself) then go out in the real world and actually have to spend time looking for a job and going to school. I would make a man a sandwich over going to an office, and having to deal with aholes, any day of the week.

So if any man is looking for a good ole fashion house wife (with a college degree) I am your woman. Tell me to make you a sandwich and clean the house, I will not be offended. Because in this situation, you’re the one that is losing, you’re paying my bills while I sit at home and watch Ellen and Jerry Springer. So why the hell is there even such thing as the feminist movement? The world may never know!
Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. I think your dad invented the feminsit movement LOL
