Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

Riddle Me This....
  Have you ever been driving in your car and all of a sudden you look in your passenger side mirror and see the words Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear?... Well I sure have, and you know what it confused the shit out of me. What does that even mean? If the objects are appearing than how can they be closer then they appear?

So after careful consideration and a strenuous headache I realized what it meant. When you take a nice look out the passenger side and see a car in the mirror it looks further away than it actually is. The car (in the mirror) is closer to you than you think.

Now after I realized this and jotted down some notes (in my brain), I took a look out the driver side window to look at the mirror. When I looked out it I saw nothing on the mirror. So what does that mean exactly? Are the 'objects' in that mirror in fact the same distance as they appear? Are they further? The world may never know!
Until Next Time,

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